Your investment portfolio is the engine that drives you to your financial goals—retirement, college education, a vacation home, or a bucket-list trip of a lifetime. Just like driving a car, the faster you go, the more risk you’re taking. Ingenium Financial can help you put together a portfolio to get you where you want to go without taking on too much risk.

Our solutions include:

  • Mutual Funds
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Managed Accounts

We believe in designing a long-term strategy and staying the course through the market’s various ups and downs. A sound asset allocation based on your risk profile is the foundation of risk management in your portfolio. Achieving an acceptable level of risk helps you build confidence in your future while reducing your worry and anxiety over the unknown.

We can help you:

  • Build an appropriate portfolio based on your specific goals and needs
  • Define your risk profile in terms of risk tolerance and risk capacity
  • Decide how much control you want over the management of your portfolio
  • Determine whether an advisory (fee-based) or retail (commission) platform is best for you.

Be sure to review our Fee Structures to understand the different ways we work with clients.

Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help you feel more comfortable and confident in achieving your investment goals.